“9/10 of women acknowledge that Vitamin C is good for skin. But do you know that not all Vitamin C quality is the same? Some may give negative effects to your skin such as redness, irritation and tingling sensation.
As the owner of ORYN Skincare, I take pride in producing to ensure the quality of our products sustains at all times. I still remembered when I was an influencer or media line industry, I pretty much involved a lot in the beauty line. Being in the beauty line, good skin is a must! But then at some point in my life, I had a bad breakout due to hormonal problems.
What makes the condition even more stressful, is that my skin condition got even more severe due to my sensitive, combination skin. I became really picky to choose the right product. Undergoing these troublesome skin problems, I dedicated myself to also help other women worldwide for all skin types.
Oryn is a brand that emphasizes on range of skincare products that is based from Orange Vitamin C.
At ORYN Skincare, we have a business partner from a European company that helps us to bring in a stabilized form of Vitamin C. So the ingredient that we bring in, is originated from France. Why we choose this ingredient is because it’s a powerful bio-tool that can improve the effectiveness of the skin. Vitamin C has a reputation for women. We actually manage high quality and stabilized than normal Vitamin C. So after months of product testing. We actually got much positive feedback that was on-going for 4 months. So we wish to amplify our effort and bring our product to international audiences
Therefore, ORYN Skincare aim is to be the No. 1 top of mind household name in the beauty industry in the world by 2025 that focuses on Vitamin C based products by providing effective solutions to our targeted customers for their skin problems, backed by tested and proven results, producing world-class products and branding, and to empower our team members and stakeholders to improve their income level.
Stay tuned to unlock the secret of Vitamin C for your skin!”.
Vitamin C Experts